You'll need to use our markup style but it's quite easy... So... use "- " for issue title, "> " for issue description and "# " for issue labels (multiple labels are separated by comma). Eg:
> The user will log in with email and password
# user,essential
You can also use "$w " for issue weight (GitLab ONLY)
The space after the character (-, >, # or $w) is required and the order matters!! Don't forget!
PS.: Order: -, >, #, $w. You may choose not to use all the options but you must respect the order.
Or you can use a JSON file, like this.
[ { "title": "Issue title", "description": "Lorem Ipsum", "labels" : [ "LABEL1", "LABEL2", "LABEL3" ], "weight": 3 }, { "title": "As user I want to log in to the system", "description": "The user will log in with email and password", "labels": [ "user", "essential" ] } ]
We do not store any of your data! If you want to, check the code.